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Monday, July 25, 2011

Bearberry or Kinnikinnick


This plant is a common evergreen shrub with reddish, scaly bark and thick, leathery leaves 4 centimeters long and 1 centimeter wide.It has white flowers and bright red fruits. (The fruits are usually somewhat dry inside.)

Habitat and Distribution

This plant is found in arctic, subarctic, and temperate regions, most often in sandy or rocky soil.

Edible Parts

Its berries are edible raw or cooked. You can make a refreshing tea from its young leaves.


The berries are edible, but not palatable. They taste like they are full of sawdust instead of juice. Still, they are a good survival food, because they often stay on the branches all year.

The leaves are used to make a tea that promotes urination and cleans out the urinary tract. Studies have shown that bearberry inhibits the growth of gam-positive bacteria. It also helps with menstrual cramps.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What is Ginger? Usefuls of Ginger ?

  Ginger is a kind of plant which has yellow flowers, big leaves and comes from gingers family. Fatherland is south Asia. Other names are  saffron root, zerdeçav and indian saffron.It is growth in asian tropical areas firstly india and has a bitter flovour.but we cant count its usefuls.

   The Usefuls of Ginger

1) Effect of infection
2) it's useful for solunum
3) it's useful for cancer
4) it's useful for alzheimer illness

Monday, June 27, 2011

Esophageal Cancer can be prevented by Strawberries

This research was conducted by Tong Chen, MD, PhD, an Assistant Professor of medicine at Ohio State University, Cancer Center, Columbus. The financial support for this research was given by California Strawberry Commission.
The professor evaluated the use of freeze Strawberries in 36 males and females who had precancerous stage of Esophagus.

Prevention of Esophageal Cancer

The average age of patients was about 54 years. All had high risk of Esophagus cancer where Esophagus is a pipe that connects the throat with the stomach which allows the food to enter in stomach for the digestion process.
According to the study of American Cancer Society 16,640 new cases of Esophagus were discovered in year 2010 and out of which 14,500 people died of this disease.
The causes of Esophageal Cancer can be caused due to the reasons like smoking, drinking alcohol etc.

Labels: cancer and usefulplants, esophageal cancer, strawberries

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Acai Berry Diet Plan by Dr Oz - Losing Weight Without Using Exercise Equipment Revealed!

If you are sick and tired of exercising everyday but still not losing as much weight as you need, try the Acai Berry Diet Plan by Dr. Oz. In this program, you are not required to use exercise equipment because you will certainly lose weight even without sweating yourself out.To start with, who is Dr. Oz and why should you believe him? Dr. Mehmet Oz is a well-respected medical doctor, vice-chair, and professor at Columbia University. He teaches surgery in the said university and leads the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital. He is also a medical researcher and most of his researches deal with healthcare policy, heart replacement surgery, complementary medicine, and invasive cardiac surgery. He already published as many as 400 original books about the said topics. Therefore, there is no single reason not to believe this brilliant doctor and the Acai Berry Diet Plan by Dr. Oz. Among all the fruits that we have, acai berry is one among few foods considered as the super food because of its overwhelming health benefits to us. This amazing fruit is rich with vitamins and minerals, nutrients and fiber, antioxidants, phylosterols, and many other elements that give you optimum health.There are so many reasons why this program works without any exercise and these are as follows:1. It is very rich in antioxidant that helps protect your heart and fight cardiovascular diseases. 2. It contains high level of fiber so you can improve your digestion and speeds up your metabolism in order to avoid constipation, gas or bloating, bad breath, fatigue, mood swings, and even colon cancer. 3. It boosts your immune system so you can fight off diseases better and perform your day-to-day activities.4. It gives glow and radiance in your skin so you will look younger and more beautiful.With all the good things you can get from Acai Berry Diet Plan by Dr. Oz, you definitely do not need to exercise anymore in order to lose weight!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Amazon Thunder Pure Organic Acai Fruit Benefits

Acai has a number of benefits, including antioxidants, fiber, fatty acids, and proteins. The antioxidants from Acai are ten to thirty times that of red wine and more than twice that of blueberries. It's known to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on the planet, earning it the title of "super berry."The Amazon "super berry" has gained recognition in the media, including television and magazines. There are several companies and websites that offer Acai products. Some products contain Acai exclusively, while others use it in combination with other ingredients. Acai shows up in fruit drinks and in powder form as health and energy products.With all the popularity in recent years, the benefits of the Acai berry is widely unknown. People of the Amazon have long experienced the benefits of Acai to fight disease, strengthen the immune system, fight infection, protect the heart, and provide overall health and healing. These same benefits of this "super berry" are now available to health-minded individuals through taking Amazon Thunder.Acai is a complete food source and contains an abundance of nutrients necessary for restoring and maintaining optimum health. Acai contains amino acids and vital trace elements important for muscle contraction and regeneration. Acai's nutrients, including a large amount of natural lipids, provide needed energy to tackle competitive sports and daily chores. Acai contains more protein than the average egg. Proteins are the primary component of hormones and body tissues, including muscles and organs.The Acai berry can help to regulate your stress levels and repair your body. Acai's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can counter infertility due to stress, pollution and factors related to free radicals. Acai's immune-system-strengthening qualities help protect the entire body. Acai has been used for centuries to cleanse the body from contaminants. The regenerative nutrients and strong antioxidants in Acai help keep our cells operating efficiently and may slow aging.By boosting the immune system, Acai's rich nutrient profile helps boost the body's natural defenses. Recent findings published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine indicate that Acai's beta-sitosterol prevents immune suppression and modulates the lymphocyte activity. Free radical damage is one of the primary causes of immune weakness or dysfunction. Acai can reduce the frequency of infectious diseases. Acai's antioxidant properties help prevent damage to DNA, which lowers the risks posed by carcinogens and mutagens.Acai possesses high concentrations of polyphenols, making it an excellent source of antioxidants. Some polyphenols abundant in Acai are anthocyanins, some of the more potent forms of antioxidants. Other polyphenols in Acai, antho-cyanin and cyanidin-3-glucoside, may improve the production of nitric oxide in endothelial cells. Nitric oxide allows blood vessel walls to relax and expand, resulting in less stress on the heart, decreased risk of vessel blockage, and increased blood flow. The antioxidant punch of Acai may also be a powerful weapon in the fight against benign prostatic hyperplasia, commonly known as an enlarged prostate.Acai is rich in essential fatty acids, which may help reduce harmful LDL cholesterol while supporting levels of the beneficial HDL cholesterol. In diabetes weak capillaries can lead to a condition called retinopathy, which often leads to blindness. The anthocyanins in Acai protect small and large blood vessels, including veins, arteries and capillaries.Acai's low glycemic index improves glucose and lipid levels in diabetics. Acai's low glycemic index also helps control appetite and delay hunger, which can help individuals trying to lose weight.Acai provides dietary fiber, excellent for digestive tract health, high levels of calcium, vitamins A and E, and phosphorus. Acai has a significant amount of calcium, which help strengthen bones, prevent fractures, and can help prevent osteoporosis. Women who experience extreme menstrual pain can also benefit from Acai. Calcium-rich foods help coat the lining of the stomach and uterus, and help reduce the pain from cramps and bloating.Acai's dietary fiber helps promote the health of the digestive tract, including the colon. The broad array of antioxidants in Acai may help protect and repair the lower esophagus damaged by acid-reflux disease. Acai's acid-suppression effects reduce the acidity of stomach contents when reflux does occur. The antibacterial properties of Acai kill bad bacteria, fungi and parasites, including ulcer-causing bacteria. Acai's anti-inflammatory abilities may prevent the malabsorption of vital nutrients by preventing damage to the wall of the small intestine.Acai's phytosterols help reduce the erosion of the skin's protective coating. Because it's so high in anthocyanins and phytosterols, Acai helps protect connective tissues, including collagen. Acai acts as an astringent which contract, shrink or tighten body tissues, including skin. Astringents can be used to stop bleeding in small cuts or to give the skin a fresh, tingling feeling.Modern science is discovering the life-enhancing benefits of the Amazon "super berry". Research indicates that Acai can help neutralize free radicals, prevent heart disease, thwart cancer, and much more.Acai contains powerful nutrients, which combine unique properties and ingredients in a single product. There's no other fruit that can be compared with the effectiveness of Acai and no product on the market that can compete with the quality of Amazon Thunder Pure Organic Acai.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Health Benefits Of Dandelion Juice

Dandelion leaves, when young, are a tasty salad vegetable. Dandelion roots can be dried, roasted and then ground as a good coffee substitute without caffeine and which has beneficial healthy effects on indigestion and on rheumatic complaints. 
Nutritionally, dandelion juice is of remarkable value with a high iron content, quadruple the carotene content of lettuce plus rich supplies of calcium, potassium, and vitamins C and E. 
With the juices of the stinging nettle and watercress it is the ideal basis for a 'spring clean' and is used this way in Germany as pan of a two week course combined with a diet without meat or much sugar or starch. This treatment helps to make the liver and the gall bladder normal, and it has a beneficial effect upon the nervous system. 
The secret of growing your own is to use well dug soil and then to remove the flowers as soon as they appear. This avoids the random seeding of the plant and ensures a lush growth of leaves for several years. It is best to select seeds from a broad leafed variety as those are more tender and juicy. It is often mixed with the juices of the leaves of carrots and turnips. 
As a diuretic, it can be taken alone. The Romans called the plant Herba urinaria, but this effect is the consequence of a dose of several ounces a day, whereas for other uses 2floz (50ml) is sufficient. 
The humble dandelion is so often seen as an annoying weed in the garden and in the farmer's fields. Yet this attractive golden sunburst is a herbal medicine of renowned effect and great antiquity. The Germans call it Lowenzahn, or Lion's tooth, but the French Pissenlit, which means 'wet the bed' is more descriptive of its diuretic properties. In Belgium the dandelion plant is grown as a crop. 
The botanical name Taraxacum comes from a Greek word which means to alter or to stir up and this refers to its medical properties. The specific word officinal used to be given to all officially recognized herbs.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Benefits of Consuming More Vegetables and Fruits

Everyone knows that we should eat fruits and vegetables and that they provide vitamins and fiber, necessary for the prevention of disease. We all realize that we ought to eat more of them and we all remember that Mom told us about it, but were we listening? You can get the best fruit at work information by visiting this website.  We're all running from place to place picking up greasy foods from the fast food drive through and slurping on shakes for many of our meals. Okay, perhaps you're doing better than the average bear. Let's say you don't each lunch through your car window on a daily basis. Good for you. But how often do you consume pre-packaged foods? When's the last time you indulged in a comfort food like potato chips or Oreos? These foods are cheap, convenient, and easy to access. And, let's face it, they make us feel good when we eat them... at least, for a little while.  If it's simple you want, why not try some watermelon, grapes, or a cantaloupe? Simply wash and slice and they are ready to go. A marinade of Italian dressing is delightful with cauliflower, celery and carrots. It is no secret to medical researchers that we are not getting the fruits and veggies we need. Therefore, to motivate us they are touting a five a day campaign engineered to increase our awareness of our eating habits and to incite us into eating five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.  This number may seem difficult to eat in the beginning. But there are practical suggestions which may be implemented to help get to the five servings per day, such as by eating fruit for breakfast. Having cereal? Toss in some fruit. Cooking up a batch of flapjacks or waffles? Throw in some blueberries or bananas, or even some strawberries. Yummy! For later in the day when you crave a snack, take along a banana or apple to school or work. Read this site if you want cherry online information.  At lunchtime, it's easy to include vegetables in your menu. Add a salad to your lunch. When you eat out you can order sandwiches with tomatoes, sprouts, and lettuce. Vegetables are also good inside of baked goods and in as soups, stews, and meat and tomato sauces.  Do you like peanut butter? Add some celery with it. Kids especially love this snack. Toss some raisins on top as well! Cheese and celery make a nice snack too. And, concerning children who are usually very picky, all you can do is give them a variety of food choices every day. We're all familiar with the old saying, 'You won't get any dessert until you eat your vegetables.' There isn't much about that warning to make vegetables more appealing. What do you think would happen to our society if everyone changed their eating habits and consumed the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables daily?  How about after broccoli then chocolate cake? Consuming juice is an excellent method of getting in additional servings of fruits and veggies. Unfortunately, there is no healthy fiber in a glass of fruit juice. It is also possible for kids to get full drinking juice and then refuse their meal. Fruit juice is also high in calories.  You can't deny the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. Studies show that people who get plenty of vegetables and fruits reduce their chances by half of getting fourteen different kinds of adult cancers as compared to people who only eat one or two servings a day. Fruits and vegetables also help in the reduction of risks of adult blindness, strokes, and heart attacks.  Everyone ought to take note of this, but we continue to compose too many rationalizations for why we do not eat better than we do. Some people state that fresh fruits and vegetables are too costly while others say that they just do not have enough time to slice a strawberry. Others just make up the excuse that when they are ready to eat a peach, banana, or zucchini, it's already gone bad.


Organic fruits

 Organic fruit puree juices are a great source of nutrition and really easy to make with a blender or juicer. The important ingredient is really any organic fruit. The reasons you want to choose organic is because this way you have the best chance of of getting as close to nature as possible and minimize the effect of pesticides on your body. Organic fruit is generally more expensive so it really becomes a choice. I choose to eat organic fruit whenever I can for my organic fruit puree juices not only to get it as natural as possible but because buying organic fruit minimizes your environmental foot print and gets you closer to nature. Once you have your organic fruit, it is simply a process of pealing your fruit and then putting the whole fruit in the blender or in the juicer. This process is how my wife and I create really healthy deserts for us and baby food for our kids once they have finished with breast feeding. It is really important with organic fruit puree juices that you include the pulp. The pulp of the fruit is a really great fiber for the body and allows the intestines to be cleansed naturally. It is sort of like a natural colon cleanser. One of my favorite organic fruit puree juices is apple/banana. All I do is peel a couple bananas and wash a couple apples(leaving the peel on) putting it in our vitamix blender for a couple minutes and I have got a great snack during the day for both my wife and I. Organic fruit puree juices are an easy to make alternative to your traditional desert or snack provide a ton of fiber and probably one of the most nutritious things to eat today. 

A Few Useful Garden Planting Tips

Garden planting is not just about putting seeds into the ground, watering them and waiting for them to grow. It is much more complicated than that. But at the same time, because of the effort that it takes, it is also much more rewarding than people think. A lot of people do gardening as a way to relax and appreciate the earth more, while some people make use of gardening to grow their own vegetables and to be less dependent on supermarkets for their food. If you want to start a garden because of one, or both or any other reasons, here are a few useful garden planting tips that you may not be aware of.  Before you even touch the ground, take note of what time of the year it is. The best time to start your planting would be right before and after the summer, which is spring and fall respectively. This is because the heat from the summer is just too hot, and your young plants may be too fragile to handle the heat.  Water the soil at least an hour before garden planting, so as to make sure that the soil is workable. Do not over-water it, because the flooding will cause the roots to suffocate and drown.  Do not over-rake the soil. This will create what is called "thin soil," which is more susceptible to becoming mud if it rains. * Remove all weeds from the garden area, so that you are sure that all the nutrients from the soil are going all to your plants.  The time of the day that is best for garden planting would be during a light rain (although this is bad for your health,) after a light rain, late in the afternoon, or on a cloudy day. This is because you are avoiding stressing the plants when they are most vulnerable.  Set the plants in the ground as the same depth as they were in the container before you dug them out. This will be so that the plant will not be shocked at the change in soil depth, and will be able to continue on in the way that it was growing before.  Make sure that the garden area drains well. If there is too much moisture due to faulty irrigation, then the roots of your plant will die or rot.These are only very basic tips and tricks for when you are starting out with your garden planting. The more advanced you get in your skill, the more tips and tricks you will be able to figure out for yourself. And remember: your garden always needs love and attention.Give an abundance of this to make your garden even more successful.

A Few Basic, Useful Plants

What were going to try to do is explain some of the more useful plants and trees you can put in your yard. The idea will be to provide a beautiful yard and garden while making it worthwhile to keep up.One of the most useful types of plants you can find is herbs. Weather it be thyme, basil, or catnip you can find a variety of uses for your herbs. One of the most basic uses for herbs is in cooking. They provide flavor to otherwise bland food.Another good type of plant is fruit trees. By planting fruit trees you will be able to get some shade to your yard while also getting some fresh fruit. This comes as a nice break for most people considering grocery store prices.You can also plant the famous citronella plant. This will help keep bugs and mosquitoes out of your yard.The aloe vera plant is useful incase you get a sunburn. All you need to do is break one of the stems apart and rub the goo onto your burn spot. This will help your skin feel cool and the burn to heal faster.Depending on climate you can plant sugar cane around your yard. This will provide a nice natural barrier depending on how much you plant plus it tastes good. When you peel back the part you can chew on the sweet center of the plant, hence its name of sugar cane.There are also many types of bushes you can plant around your yard. You can do this for beauty or get some bushes with spiny leaves for protection. It is recommended that you don't plant large bushes under your windows because burglars will use them to hide in while they break into your home.Lastly, you should consider flowers. Planting the right type of flowers in your yard will attract helpful insects which can keep your garden healthy. As an added bonus flowers can look and smell good too.